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学名:Sparbambus gombakensis
Total length: 6.24; carapace: 2.58 long, 1.94 wide; abdomen: 3.27 long. Carapace flat and dark, dorsum sporadically scattered with several white patches. Lateral margins of carapace with longitudinal white stripes. Chelicerae (Fig. 2F) black to greyish–yellow, promargin with three teeth, retromargin with six teeth. Abdomen elongated, greyish–yellow. Anterior–lateral part of abdomen dorsum with paired dark marks, cardiac mark dark grey. Palp (Figs 3, 5A–B): Dorsum of cymbium covered with yellowish white hairs (light orange when alive); tegulum wider than long, DH distinct, TF located retrolaterally on tegulum; tip of embolus covered by conductor; tibia with three apophyses, RTA broad and twisted, weakly sclerotized, DTA elongated, VTA with tip twisted ventrally. Female. Habitus see Figs 1D–E, 2B–C, E. Total length: 7.25; carapace: 2.57 long, 2.00 wide; abdomen: 4.42 long. Carapace dark to dark yellow. Abdomen greyish–yellow, with paired longitudinal dark stripes on the lateral margins of abdomen dorsum. Other habitus characters similar to those of male. Epigyne (Figs 4, 5C–D): MS elongated with lateral margins slightly ridged; copulatory duct with AG close to copulatory opening; May, 2022 WANG Wei–Hang et al.: First record of the genus Sparbambus Zhang, Woon & Li, 2006 from China… 59 spermatheca broadened anterior–laterally